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豚王各區5月份限定王! Limited King in May!

香港及澳門店限定 - 蕃茄王!

Hong Kong & Macau shops Exclusive - Tomato King!

Our Japanese master chef aims for healthiness and freshness when he is designing the Limited King. Among those fruits and vegetables, he chooses tomatoes for its healthiness and unique flavor. But this unique flavor is pretty easy to be covered by the other spices, it is quite a task to make a good balance. He tries his utmost and finally he succeeds!

In this bowl of tomato ramen, you will find a big hip of tomato pulp, onion, gourmet chili sauce, and big pieces of Japanese Char Siu pork! Don’t miss this chance to catch up the current Japanese chic!

The Tomato King will be available in 2 sections every day: section 1 start from 11:00 a.m.; and section 2 from 6:00 p.m.. It's available on a first come first-served basis and while stock lasts each day.



蕃茄王每日分兩個時段供應,首時段為上午 11 時起,次時段為傍晚 6 時起。各時段供應量有限,售完即止。

トマト王ラーメン !!

今回の限定王は豚王の豚骨スープをベースに旨みと酸味のバランスを 重視し、更に辛味を加え出来上がりました。イタリアの家庭で食べられるシンプルなトマトソース、グルタミン酸たっぷりのトマトジュースに玉ねぎとニンニクの甘み、歯ごたえを加えました。香り豊かにパンチも 深みもある一品です。


上海、廣州及深圳店限定 - 山椒王!

Shanghai, Guangzhou & Shenzhen shops Exclusive - Sansho King!

A bold mixture of hot minced meat, sansho and capsaicin sauce, each ingredient in this secret hot sauce gives a unique shock of spice. While attacked by the burning capsicum, your taste buds would also have to survive the paralyzing sansho in this Limited King.

The Sansho King will be available on a first-come-first-served basis and while stock last every day.

這個五月,豚王將為您的味覺帶來擋不住的剌激– 山椒王!




豚王の誇る日本の職人による辛さと痺れのハーモニー。 門外不出のレシピにより生まれた挽肉と山椒、唐辛子の醤は個性的でありながら魅力の一杯です。





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