香港、上海、廣州及深圳店限定 - 蕃茄王! Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou & Shenzhen shops Exclusive - Tomato King!
Our Japanese master chef aims for healthiness and freshness when he is designing the Limited King. Among those fruits and vegetables, he chooses tomatoes for its healthiness and unique flavor. But this unique flavor is pretty easy to be covered by the other spices, it is quite a task to make a good balance. He tries his utmost and finally he succeeds!
In this bowl of tomato ramen, you will find a big hip of tomato pulp, onion, gourmet chili sauce, and big pieces of Japanese Char Siu pork! Don’t miss this chance to catch up the current Japanese chic!
澳門店限定 - 元氣王! Macau shop Exclusive - Genki King!
Butao's head chef mingled the rich curry oil into our signature tonkotsu broth, with the curry minced ball of the top, the spiciness and the extreme aroma of the curry will definitely stimulate you taste bud. All these become Butao fans’ favourite Limited King ever - the Genki King! Don't miss it again to recollect the unforgettable experience!
香濃的咖哩油配搭醇厚的豚骨湯底,再加上極度濃郁的特製咖哩肉碎球,辛味與香味為舌尖帶來強烈的衝擊,成就了豚王限定王的人氣始祖- 元気王!職人決定將這份難以忘懷的回憶,再次帶給所有拉麵迷。想重拾這份回憶的您,絕對不可錯過!