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豚王各區11月份限定王! Limited King in November!

香港店限定 - 醬油王!

Hong Kong shops Exclusive - Shoyu King!

Basing upon our signature pork bone soup, we infuse the Chiba Shoyu and our specially made sauce, combine with kelp and other ingredients to create this special soup base. Adding fresh spinach on top to balance the taste and make it palatable.

*Soy Sauce: Butao's chef chooses the Japanese Shoyu, which is using the soy bean and wheat from the country to brew and bringing a delicate soy sauce with intense flavour.

The Shoyu King will be available in 2 sections every day from 1st November: section 1 start from 11:00 a.m.; and section 2 from 6:00 p.m.. It's available on a first-come first-served basis and while stock lasts each day.


*醬油:日本製的千葉醬油。用日本國内生産的大豆、小麦天然醸製而成。 *醬汁:自家製作的秘製醬汁。把昆布等各種材料一起熬製凝結而成。這醬汁專為豚王的湯底研製,能與豚王的拉麵完美地配合。色澤雖然漆黒、但鹹淡適中,美味非常。



澳門、上海、廣州及深圳店限定 - 黑松露王! Macau, Shanghai, Guangzhou & Shenzhen shops Exclusive - Black Truffle King!

As an exclusive, high-end ingredient, black truffle is so rare that we are inspired to put it in our Limited King. Our chef makes the pork bone soup base with copious amounts of truffle oil and black truffle paste. Once the bowl arrives, there’s an whole light aroma of truffle that permeates through the room. The soup was fresh and earthy with that wonderful umami hit right at the back of the palate. Come and check out our Black Truffle King that will surely wow our fans!

The Black Truffle King will be available on a first-come-first-served basis and while stock last every day.

豚王日籍職人特別挑選了被譽為食材界的「黑鑽石」- 稀有的的黑松露作為創作靈感,創作出「黑松露王」。職人在濃厚的豚骨湯中加入自家調配的松露醬油,以及意大利黑松露醬,黑松露擁有獨特攝人的香氣,所散發出的菌香滲透在湯裡,質感幼滑細緻,每一口都是珍貴的味道。




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