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豚王各區10月份限定王! Limited King in October!

香港店全新限定 - 辛海老王! Hong Kong shops Exclusive - Hot Ebi King!

Based on our signature tonkotsu broth, our head chef added his homemade spicy ebi oil and spicy Sakura shrimp powder to create the new Hot Ebi King. The excitement of the spicy broth is overwhelmingly scrumptious. Topped with the spicy minced pork, it literally elevates the ramen into another level. This stunning new limited Hot Ebi King will surely surprise you and worth a try!

The Hot Ebi King will be available in 2 sections every day: section 1 start from 11:00 a.m.; and section 2 from 6:00 p.m.. It's available on a first-come first-served basis and while stock lasts each day.

豚王職人以濃厚豐腴的豚骨湯作為基礎,加入秘製激辛海老油和辛辣櫻花蝦碎,在刺激味蕾觸感之餘,同時亦感受到海老的鮮甜濃郁;微辣的肉碎更是大大提升了整體的口感層次!這便是職人引以為傲的全新限定品 – 辛海老王!



「旨味×香り×刺激」 豚王だから出来る技! 大量に海老を使用し仕込む事により海老本来の旨味・甘味・そして甲殻類ならではの香ばしく良い香りを一杯に凝縮しました。 ベースは豚王の豚骨スープ。 そこに海老を合わせ、甘くも旨味たっぷりでクリーミーな仕上がりに。 表面に浮かぶ鮮やかな赤は、海老の頭をふんだんに使った香り高い海老辣油。 暑さ残る季節にマッチするスパイシーさを兼ね揃えた味作りは、豚王の職人直伝の"技"です。 フレッシュな野菜や食感のあるトッピングなど、最後の一滴まで楽しめる一杯です。


澳門店限定 - 海龍王! Macau shop Exclusive - Lobster King!

Butao’s head chef rigorously selects premium Canadian lobsters to make a fascinating lobster broth. Admixed with the homemade sea salt sauce and refined tiger prawn oil, the fragrance of the broth lingers on the palate. With the smooth pumpkin paste and cream, they certainly enrich the flavour and definitely tickle your taste bud. This new limited one - the Lobster King will surely lift your spirits!

豚王深信創作的根本在於食材之間的完美配合。因此,職人特別挑選了被喻為高級食材的龍蝦作為創作概念,製作出極盡奢華的全新一品 – 海龍王!











上海、廣州及深圳店限定 - 鰹魚王! Shanghai, Guangzhou & Shenzhen shops Exclusive - Bonito King!

Aquatic products have long been the main ingredients of Japan. There is no doubt that bonito fish is one of the most common and favorable fish for Japanese cuisine. With the outstanding taste of bonito fish, it is a perfect match with different ingredients for seasoning.

Our chefs select the bonito fish and extract the fish oil, perfectly mixed it with our home-made white wine soy sauce as the soup base. The aroma of the fish oil and pork bone soup extends the rich taste. Our chef further adds some Katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) to enhance the umami of this Limited King!



ゆっくりと慎重に火を入れ抽出し、「和」の美味しさを重ねた鰹の香油。あわせるスープはチカラ強くも上品な甘みがあり、ミネラル豊富な塩からなるタレが鰹の一番美味しいところを引き出しまとめあげる。 香りとあじわいの奥深さ旨味の構築をお楽しみください。



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