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豚王2月份各區限定王 Butao Limited King in February!


香港店限定 - 生姜王!

Hong Kong shops Exclusive - Ginger King!

Niigata is the capital and the most populace city of Niigata Prefecture, Japan. It lies on the northwest coast of Honshu, the largest island of Japan. It receives even more yearly snowfall than cities such as Moscow, and Oslo, which makes it an ideal place for winter sports like skiing. The Japanese nickname it “Kingdom of Snow”. With such a snowy winter climate, it’s not hard to understand why ginger ramen is one of the most popular food in the region.

Butao’s Limited King in the coming February is Ginger King. It is a kind of Nagaoka Kei Ramen (soy sauce soup with ginger), which is one of the big four ramen in the region! Ours is a little bit special, as it has evolved into anther level - we infuse Chiba soy sauce and ginger paste into Butao’s signature Tonkotsu broth! About the Chiba soy sauce, it is brewed in barrels that have been in continuous use since the founding of the company 160 years ago. The Chiba soy sauce has a beautiful dark color, and at the same time it emits a strong but natural aroma of the top quality soy beans which you can’t find in the ordinary soy sauce. The ginger paste is grated everyday from our fresh unpeeled ginger. While it is freshly grinded everyday, the unique fragrance and juice of the ginger is perfectly preserved in the ginger paste. Now our chefs tied them all together for an unforgettable bowl of ramen!

In this chilly coldy winter, a bite of Ginger King will not just add fragrant warmth to your body, but a long after satisfaction of the special Nagaoka Kei Ramen. So come on over and satisfy your ramen craving! Don't settle for ordinary ramen noodles anymore!

The Ginger King will be available in 2 sections every day: section 1 start from 11:00 a.m.; and section 2 from 6:00 p.m.. It's available on a first come first-served basis and while stock lasts each day.




(生姜王每日分兩個時段供應,首時段為上午 12時起,次時段為傍晚 6 時起。各時段供應量有限,售完即止。)


澳門店限定 - 醬油王!

Macau shop Exclusive - Shoyu King!

Basing upon our signature pork bone soup, we infuse the Chiba Shoyu and our specially made sauce, combine with kelp and other ingredients to create this special soup base. Adding fresh spinach on top to balance the taste and make it palatable. *Soy Sauce: Butao's chef chooses the Japanese Shoyu, which is using the soy bean and wheat from the country to brew and bringing a delicate soy sauce with intense flavour. 香港的醬油拉麵,味道大多偏向清淡。在豚骨拉麵上,加上濃味的醬油,更是稀少。豚王的職人,就是希望將這種在日本十分受歡迎,但卻在香港不太常見的味道,帶給拉麵迷,因而製作了這款濃味醬油拉麵。

*醬油:日本製的濃味醬油。用日本國内生産的大豆、小麦天然醸製而成。 *醬汁:自家製作的秘製醬汁。把昆布等各種材料一起熬製凝結而成。這醬汁專為豚王的湯底研製,能與豚王的拉麵完美地配合。色澤雖然漆黒、但鹹淡適中,美味非常。



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