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【豚王9月份限定王! Butao Limited King in September!】

香港店限定 - #背脂生姜醬油王!

Exclusive for Hong Kong branches - Seabura Shouga Shoyu King!

Shouga Shoyu Ramen (ginger and soy sauce ramen) is an authentic ramen from Nagaoka City, Niigata, which the broth is made by chicken, pork and plenty of fresh ginger. Mingled with the aromatic soy sauce and pork back fat that is sprinkled on top of the ramen, all these comes together become the fragrant Seabura Shouga Shoyu King!

This limited king will surely warm you up and leave you an unforgettable experience!

The Seabura Shouga Shoyu King will be available in 2 sections every day: section 1 start from 12:00 n.n.; and section 2 from 6:00 p.m.. It's available on a first come first-served basis and while stock lasts each day.



由2022年9月1日至30日,背脂生姜醬油將於豚王香港全線分店推出。背脂生姜醬油王每日分兩個時段供應,首時段為中午12時起,次時段為傍晚 6 時起。各時段供應量有限,售完即止。


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