濃厚豚骨拉麵過去一直為豚王的核心產品。不過,豚王另一令人引以為傲的經典 - 黑王,於過去十年同樣深受拉麵迷喜愛及追捧!職人一直積極研發與改良,希望能將這份誘惑的獨特滋味帶入家中,讓黑王迷在抗疫期間也可以時刻品嚐。終於,職人很高興為大家宣佈,「黑王一杯」 (冷藏拉麵) 將會正式推出,滿足廣大拉麵迷!
「黑王一杯」限定網上訂購*,每盒售價為港幣$78。首批限定推出100盒,先到先得,售完即止。詳情請瀏覽 www.butaotogo.com。
As the core product of Butao Ramen, our authentic tonkotsu ramen has been captured the hearts of our ramen fans over the years. However, the amazing Black King also took the city by storm due to its strong and distinctive flavour. We are pleased to present to you that the brand new "Black King To-Go" (frozen ramen) will be available on our online store and you can enjoy this wherever you want!
The Black King To-Go includes our signature tonkostu broth, the "Black Sauce" and the homemade black minced pork. Additionally, our homemade ramen (raw noodle), Char Siu, black fungus and the capsaicin sauce are also in it. All are packed individually. We definitely guarantee you will be very satisfied with this!
The Black King To-Go is priced at HK$78 each and is now exclusively available on www.butaotogo.com*. Only 100 boxes are available for the 1st batch of order. It’s available on a first-come first-served and while stock lasts.
*凡於8月31日前於網上訂購任何2盒冷藏拉麵產品,即可享有免費送貨服務。 Free delivery upon purchase of any 2 boxes of frozen ramen product.